Monday, May 2, 2011

Chocolate-Covered Strawberries: The WW Way

I am completely addicted to sweets.  I always have been.  This is probably the single biggest reason for my current weight.  Once I start eating cookies or brownies or cake, I find it almost impossible to stop until it's all gone.  For this reason, I try to keep sweets out of the house.  At least I have to actually go out and by something should I decide I want to eat it. 

When I was previously on WW, I used to spend my points on 100 calorie packs of sweets.  I also bought the WW snacks (the cost alone of those kept me from eating too many).  Since I've started PointsPlus, I have been eating so much healthier than I ever have before, but I still haven't figured out how to eat "sugar" in a healthy way.

Tonight I went out to Meijer and Walmart with my daughter.  All I wanted to do was pick up a giant size Kit Kat bar, but I resisted.  I knew I didn't have much at home, but I raided my fridge when we got back anyway.  I found the Yoplait Delights in Chocolate Eclair that I bought on sale last week.  I had a coupon that was doubled, so each 4-pack only cost me a dollar. 

I layered the bottom of my bowl with strawberries (0 points), and topped with a container of the chocolate eclair Yoplait (3 points).  It was delicious! And almost like eating chocolate covered strawberries............................almost.

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